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Meet Salem's Pastor and Family

Left side of picture is Brittney (daughter) who is 29 years old and is a teacher in Toronto. Behind her hushand, Thomas Hooper - They got married in October 2025. In the middle is Betty-Lynne, the Pastor's wife. She is from Wood Point, NB. Betty-Lynne was saved when she was 12 years old and attended the Wood Point Baptist Church. She loves the Lord and serves Him faithfully each day. She is a PSW and loves serving Seniors in the area.


In the back we have Hunter, who is 8 and he is our grandson and we love him to death. Then we have Timothy (son) who is 27 and is a heavy machine operator in Moncton NB and beside him is Jamie, our dear daughter-in-law. They have been married for four years. They got married in January of 2021.


Pastor Paul is from Sydney, NS and he grew up at Faith Baptist Church in Sydney and he put his faith and trust in the Lord when he was 7 years old at Cape Breton Bible Camp. At the age of 13 he felt the Lord's calling to be a preacher. After High School he went to the New Brunswick Bible Institute in 1990 and graduated in 1994, as well as Betty-Lynne. That is where their love story began. After dating for a month they got engaged and married a year later in 1994.


Pastor Paul continued his education and completed his Bacholar of Theology Degree with Covington Seminary. In 2015 he completed his Masters in Ministerial Theology from Freelandia Bible College and Seminary and in January of 2024, he completed his Doctorate in Ministerial Theology from Freelandia.


Paul and Betty-Lynne have served in a few churches over the years, in 2000-2005 Shoreline Bible Baptist in Yarmouth NS. In 2005-2018 they served at Hope Baptist on the Gaspe in Quebec and they were called to Salem in September, 2018 to the present.

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